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Oak Hill School

Oak Hill Times

The latest news at Oak Hill School.

Summer Term Dates 2024


End of Term:  Friday 19th July 2024



Autumn Term Dates 2024


Term Starts: Monday 2nd September 2024

Half Term: Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November 2024

End of Term:  Friday 20th December 2024



  • Monday 10th June  - GCSE Maths Exam




Please be reminded that all trips must be approved by Bola before being booked. Please also copy Wendy into these emails too so that I can ensure they appear here. If your trip is not listed then please let me know.


  • Thursday 20th June - Power League 
  • Tuesdays 25th June - Paintball Trip 
  • Tuesdays 16th July - Science Museum 


Quote of the Week